Friday, May 16, 2014

Barn Heaven

When Grammie and Bapa (Anders' parents) said they wanted to take Zuzu to Govin's Lambing Barn a few weeks ago, I thought it would be fun, but I didn't think it would be THIS fun. I pictured a little pen with maybe like 10 lambs. But I began to readjust my expectations when we were approaching the farm and saw parked cars lining the roads for what looked like miles. This place does some serious business at lambing season.

Inside, it was barn heaven for a little kid like Zuzu (and several hundred others). There may have been more animals in one place than I'd ever seen, let alone Zuzu. Some were in pens and some were wandering free. Chickens just roamed around at your feet. There were sheep, and the sheep had lambs, lambs, and more lambs, bleating and suckling from their mothers, some white, some black, all different and extremely cute. There were goats and more goats, and piglets being put in people's laps for photos.

Bapa was on camera duty, which was fabulous, as he took the job seriously and captured some great moments.

My favorite part was the chicks. A toddler-height pen full of the fuzzy little guys. You could just reach in and grab one and hold it and no one cared. Everyone was doing this. A million kids were doing this. Govin's hires the most laidback staff. It was so fun.

And at the end, Grammie took Zuzu for a pony ride!

1 comment:

theengercafe said...

But I want to go on a pony ride! Looks like lots of fun! We have two farms that are similar around us here, we look forward to going to them too!