Thursday, July 28, 2011

24-Week Appointment

Today at my monthly doctor's appointment, the nurse asked if I had any swelling, and I said no. Then I looked down, and discovered that during the course of the day, my feet had turned into giant puff-balls. This is the first day I've noticed my feet swelling. They are sort of billowing around my sandal straps. It's absurd-looking. The doctor said to even out the fluid in my body, I should lie down for half an hour after work every day, to which my Type-B personality responded, sure! can we make it an hour?

When they take Jabberwocky's heart rate, it sounds to me like it's racing so fast it's going to explode. But the nurse smiled gently and said it's perfect. The doctor also measured my baby bump and said it was perfect.

And it is also normal that my fingers aren't as bendy as they used to be. Also that Jabberwocky's moving a lot. Sometimes I can see my tummy twitching with her movements.

When the nurse left me in the doctor's office, she told me the doctor was running about ten minutes late. No problem, I said, and fell asleep. I've always been pretty good at sleeping in odd places, but I tell you what, I can nod off in the blink of an eye these days.

Next appointment's in a month.

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