Sunday, July 24, 2011


I sure am grateful for maternity pants. Until recently I wasn't ready to buy the bandy-topped pants that have always looked silly to me hanging in stores. I just bought bigger pants, and wore all my low-rise ones that could button under the belly. But at 24 weeks, that STOPPED WORKING. Now, every time I put on my new maternity pants, I breathe a sigh of relief. I keep thinking it'll be nice for Kid #2 that I'll already have this stuff on hand.

We are pretty proud of our daughter's due date: 11-11-11. Our brother-in-law Todd suggested (in humor) the name Elevenor. Which would be a pretty name, if it were a real name. We promised him we will name her Elevenor if the following conditions are met: she is, in fact, born on 11-11; she is born at 11:11 a.m. or p.m.; and she is the 11th baby born that day in the hospital. Since that exact scenario is unlikely to occur without using the improbability drive from Hitchhiker's Guide, we felt pretty safe making that commitment. What we actually plan to name her is -- we don't know yet. Feel free to make suggestions.

In the meantime, she's going by Jabberwocky. I picked that nickname after we saw her on the monitor during our ultrasound. I'd seen 'Alice in Wonderland' recently and that's why it was in my head, but at the time I forgot that's what it's from. I vaguely thought it was something from Star Wars. Sort of a combination of 'Jabba the Hutt' and 'Wookiee,' I guess. Jabberwocky is actually the name of a nonsense poem that Lewis Caroll wrote. It's a big bad creature with eyes of flame. So that doesn't fit at all. But I'm still calling her Jabberwocky, because it's a cute name for the little Thing that I can feel moving around in me.

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