Saturday, November 12, 2011

One Day Overdue

I woke up this morning and joined my husband in the sunroom.  He told me he had been thinking of plans for today, and he thought we should go to the new bookstore in town and also rent Captain America.  I love being married to him.

He also suggested that we play Carcassonne, which we did, and grill steaks for dinner.  The steak-grilling part is happening right now (quick Anders!  Before we lose the light!).  So it's been a fun day.

We played ping pong to try to induce labor.  I'm convinced ping pong is the perfect activity for this.  It is not strenuous, but it involves the perfect amount of lunging and stooping for balls to jiggle Jabberwocky down the cervix.  Ping pong daily from now until her birth!  Which I hope means we will not be playing ping pong very much!

She's still moving pretty frequently.  I keep thinking how she doesn't know that she will soon be making her exit from the womb.  I wonder if she's annoyed at how crowded she's getting.

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