Sunday, November 6, 2011

Waiting for the Zap

I think it's good for me to go through this period of knowing that at any second, God is going to zap my life and change it forever.  Zap! I'll be in labor!  Zap! I'll have a daughter to take care of!  I can't control when it happens, certainly can't stop it from happening, and beyond a certain point I can't even really prepare for it.  Anders and I are trying to keep in a state of readiness, at least as far as cleaning the dishes after every use and keeping gas in the tank.  But priming emotionally or gaining the correct amount of knowledge beforehand is simply hopeless.  I can't wrap my mind around this.  I'm excited, and I'm glad Jabberwocky's coming whether I'm ready or not ... because how could I ever actually be ready?  Really ready?

It's a reminder that even apart from Jabberwocky, even after she's born, God can zap my life at any moment and change it forever.  You know?  I spend all my extra time these days wondering what else needs to be done before Jabberwocky comes.  What if my water broke at this moment - could I drop what I'm doing and turn to the all-important task of getting her into this world safely?  And while I'm thinking that, another thought keeps creeping up.  What if Jesus were to come back at this moment?  Or some other completely life-altering event were to take place?  I'm not in control.  God is.  Am I ready for whatever He's going to do?  Have I arranged my life to make room for Him to come in and shake things up if He wants?  Is my heart open to Him?  Do I trust Him completely?

Waiting for Jabberwocky to be born does teach me that life is in God's hands.  (Cuz if it were up to me ... I'd have her born by now.)


Lauren said...

It's amazing how our lives are designed to teach us those important lessons. Marriage, parenting, work are all part of God's design to bring us to Him. Just recently I had a huge revelation about the importance of my role as a parent in leading my child to and preparing her for a relationship with Christ during a moment when I had to discipline her. Spiritual preparation has always been critical to us, but God "zapped" me at that moment and gave me a real image of the ramifications if I choose to let this slide.

God is pretty cool like that, isn't He?

Deb said...

What fine reflections, Em, that each of us needs to face and really deeply believe about our Lord. I actually had just sang part of a chorus when for some "odd" reason, I went to this blog! The chorus went like this oh so simply: "People get ready; Jesus is coming!"

He is God, Totally sovereign and in control, and yes, you and I are NOT. It's really an extremely liberating revelation to live out!

BTW, also looking forward to your "ZAP!":-)
love to you 3!