Monday, November 14, 2011

Three Days Overdue!

Yes, Jabberwocky is still in utero.  Today I tried reflexology on my feet, massaging the pressure points that the Internet told me are supposed to induce labor.  My eagerness is immense, but I am not forgetting to also be grateful for the peaceful time I've been having pre-baby. 

Several times every day I experience a distinct wave of emotion that lasts for a minute or two and then subsides.  I'll be sitting calmly, and suddenly it feels like someone has poured liquid on my head and it flows down my body and sinks in through my skin and gets absorbed and turns to nothing.  The emotion is a painfully sweet nostalgic feeling, like joy and sorrow at the same time.  This has only been going on for the past three days.  I'd think it's related to whatever hormonal changes I'm undergoing in preparation for labor.

Well.  I just made several trips to and from the basement to set up my station in front of the TV.  I have my plate of food, my mug of tea, my cup of water, and my computer.  Then I spent 10 minutes flipping through the channels trying to find green-and-gold uniforms.  Then my husband informed me that the game is on ESPN, which we don't get.  If I want to follow the Packers tonight, I have to turn on the radio.  Which is upstairs.

If my final trip back upstairs brings on contractions, I'll be much obliged to ESPN.


Millie Hennemann said...

Emily, you are hilarious and an excellent writer. I practically went through the hormonal emotion feeling myself just reading your description of it. :-) Maybe you'll be holding her by morning...

Anika said...

I heard once you're in your third trimester, your tummy just becomes another shelf (boobs being your first one) to set things upon. I would think these are what you should have used to make the several trips cut down to one or two...? Next time, I'm sure you'll use my advice.