Zuzu: 3.83 yrs old
Bear: 1.72 yrs old
This is how we sang that song from Sound of Music.
Do: a deer, a female POOP!
Re: a drop of golden POOP!
Mi: a name I call my POOP!
Fa: a long long way to POOP!
So: a needle pulling POOP!
La: a note to follow POOP!
Te: a drink with jam and POOP!
That will bring us back to POOP!
I not only allowed this, not only encouraged it, but I led the kids in singing it. I mean, Zuzu started it. She's been singing it--the normal version--quite a bit since I taught it to her. She doesn't get it all right but she does her best and it's adorable. We were listening to it on a cd in the car, and when we stopped at the grocery store, Zuzu told me she was going to sing it inside and that people would love to hear it. She was right. People did love to hear her singing it on her way through the grocery store.
But later at night she got the idea of doing a poop version. It made me laugh. Bear pretended he was in on the joke and laughed too. That made me laugh harder, which got Zuzu excited and she kept singing, but since she was getting the words all mixed up I had to help her. And then the kids were enjoying it so much that I began to sing it robustly, shouting the word POOP! right in the kids' faces and laughing heartily after ever single line. Bear loved the POOP! shouting part and joined right in.
The kids loved me for it. They crawled all over me with shining, laughing faces.
The problem with moments like this is that the kids will want to sing the poop song every day for basically eternity, and as of tomorrow I will be so over it.
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