Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bear at 16 months

Bear is a toddler now, but oh ... I can still call him a baby a little longer. He's still so fat, so soft, so blond, so happy--except when he's terribly upset. He alternates between happy and distraught often and abruptly. He's so cute. I threaten to eat him all the time. Once I told him I was going to sneak into his room during the night to gobble him up. What a creepy thing to say.

He loves opening and closing doors, going in and out, putting things into other things, and climbing. He still LOVES roughhousing. He still wants everything. He is shocked and heartbroken when things are taken away from him. He still--still--puts everything into his mouth. He has eaten dirt so many times.

He gives lots of hugs and high-fives, blows kisses and laughs heartily at the slightest encouragement. He loves chasing Zuzu around the dining room table. He hates it when she squeezes him, puts blankets over his head, or tries to drag him around. He will not hold hands with anybody.

He understands lots of phrases. "Let's go outside," "Time to eat," etc. He's at a fun stage of language development where he's saying new words often. Some of his words are crystal clear, like "daddy," and others are not--Zuzu's name, for instance, he exclaims very excitedly when she walks into a room, but he pronounces it without the consonants.

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