Sunday, May 17, 2015

Spring in Wisconsin

Cloudy, breezy days that you don't know whether to call warm or cool, lilacs in full bloom, everything green

Muggy sunshine, curls around my daughter's face, sweating, pulling weeds, turning up worms, the soft ground giving under my feet and hands, the smell of cut grass, the smell of which of these bushes or trees with branches still dark from the rain?, the smell of dirt, the smell of pine, the smell of lilacs, gnats flying at my eyes

A hillside of light, shy green new leaves all mixed with dark blotches of evergreens

Sunlight shining through leaves. Green is everywhere, God saying, here I AM!

Sky blue like Poseidon's eyes, blue like you haven't seen since last summer, dazzlingly white clouds so big they make you realize how big the sky is that it can hold them all!

Sunshine--sudden clouds, sudden cold, dark, wind, thunder, rain--sunshine

Tree roots breaking the sidewalks, lines of anthills in the cracks, puddles from sprinklers

It's all summer one day, heat and blisters and tan lines and bugs and extra baths, and winter again the next day, sweatshirts and socks and apple pancakes.

I love Wisconsin.

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