Sunday, May 31, 2015

Friends and garage sale

Zuzu: 3.53 yrs old
Bear: 1.42 yrs old

My friend's quick and beautiful and loving smile, her generous laugh--her every look and word and posture seem designed to say "I love you. I think you're great. I'm happy to be with you." No wonder I ADORE having this girl around, right? Her baby's beautiful eyes. Beautiful, deep eyes. She is gorgeous. And cozy in one's arms. The husband, who is also my friend, is kind, and logical. In everything he does. Always, both. Kind and logical. They stayed the weekend. We sat around and talked and talked, and laughed and enjoyed each other, and ate the amazing food Hubs cooked.

Garage sale Saturday morning. It was our first. It was cloudy and chilly. We wore sweatshirts and shivered. It was very exciting every time someone bought something. I tried to hide my relief at seeing our stuff get loaded into other people's cars. And they paid US! I still feel elated about it. I made Zuzu drag Bear around in a wagon with a cardboard sign that read "Kid brother for sale." I thought it was adorable. At one point Zuzu sat in the seller's chair and wanted us to pretend to buy things. My friend was the only one who played along ... I caught bits and pieces ... they were discussing the sale of cats and dogs ... I believe the dog was two dollars and the cat was green. Zuzu was in her whale pajamas and looked beautiful. She greeted customers cheerfully and tried to make friends with any kids who came along. Bear kept climbing into the wagon (at the risk of being sold) and getting stuck there and crying, not being able to climb out again. He also kept charging around to the backyard where I couldn't keep an eye on him, and getting very mad at me when I carried him back. My friend's baby was dressed warm except she had no socks ... and her feet were too little for Bear's socks, though we ought to have tried. She did not complain, but they finally brought her inside. Hubs stuck it out in the seller's chair until noon or so, long after I'd come inside to put Bear down for a nap and cook bacon since we were all starving.

One of Bear's newest words is "baby." Whenever he heard my friend's baby cry, he'd sort of shout "baby! baby! baby!" Bear does that, when people aren't in the room and he thinks they should be.

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